Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Food for thought

If only in India we all had pork and beef, or both the meat were categorically banned half the communal tensions were over, that what i really think.. if that was the case how could we differentiate between a hindu and a muslim, not that we can today by just looking at them alway. Think of it how many time has hindu turned down an invitation from a muslim counterparton different pretexts but actually owing to beef and vice-versa on jhatka meat* or pork???
If Beef and pork is banned in India you will se more hindus flocking to Muslim resturant for that rich biryani and succulent lamb.( East India is a different story)
that increased the camaraderie between the parties.
Also political motives of throwing beef in a temple and pork in a mosque will be a thing of the past, and even if it happens more chances than not the political motives will be well ascertained.

Another incredible true story is , not many people know that slaughtering cows is banned in most part of India, its mostly Buffaloes we slaughter. i dont remember reading any where that its sacrilege consuming buffalo in hinduism!!!

The issue is funny as Hindu religion considers cow holy but its equally pious to slaughter a buffalo as a sacrifice to Mother goddess in any form??
In some places the offering is then distributed as prasad. but then again if u remove its hide it looks same as a cow.
And then we hindus have a problem walking down a muslim neighborhood for the sight of the hideless buffalo looking like a cow.

As for me i love my Beef steak special sizzler with extra Ham in between the two steaks at Touche The Place Sizzlers. ..........Bon- Apetitte


* Jhatka meat basicaly means lambs or chicken slaughter in one blow,that is decapitated, a hindu way of slaughter, against hallal the muslim way. Where hindus are not averse to halal meat muslims are averse to jhatka, hence most slaughter houses in India use the halal way, apart from east were jhatka is still widely a form of slaughter. What as a foodie i feel jhatka meat is tastier as the blood is allowed to remain in the meat.


avimanyu said...

There was a time when cow salughering was also allowed by hindus. It lead to shortage of milk and accesseries to agriculture so a religious connotation was given. Else I belive animal of all species have a right to live.
Dont know how far its true but I heard Jinnah loved pork in UK.

a big yawn said...

Yes you are right.. that cows were slaughtered by hindus till vedic era.. till the bovine population took a dip. Its well documented by historians such as romila Thapar and also in Mahabharta.
As for Jinnah his Favourite Break fast was Sunny side up with ham or bacon.. even when he was in India ( Read Freedom at Midnight)

Anonymous said...

its not just about beef or pork.
for hindus religion is secondary compared to their nationality. but for muslims religion is their biggest identity. they attach more importance to their religion then their nationality. if that is so, is not it enough reason to say that muslims are not compatible living in a modern and democratic country???
why do muslims object to singing our national song 'vande mataram' which is like a symbol of our freedom movement ?? singing 'vande mataram' is not part of any music class.
it now has become a tendency to assume that the way minority behaves is the right way.......and the majority should confirm to it.


a big yawn said...

i guess bisu u are using the term nation very loosely.. Muslim as a religious nation is very strong.. where hindus could never identify them self as a single nation.. first we are divided in languages, then in caste and then in creeds..
Nationalism is not same as patriotism.. they are two different context.
And as per Vande Mataram .. is a pity some refused to sing it.. but not all. but still come to think of it if u download the vande mataram u will realise thats its actually a devi Vandana..

iHatEtiTo said...
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iHatEtiTo said...

dont you think we are deviating from our topic here?
the point is whether or not all meat should be allowed or all meat should be banned in India. I am strictly against banning meat, as it violates our fundamental right to life. I, for one, am a voracious red meat eater and cant do without my veals and lambs and porks and what have you.
You cant ban a food commodity just because it causes a religious stir in the society. In that case you will have to go forward and ban everything that causes a religious stir. You will then say, for example, the it is banned to build a Kali temple in Salimpur, or to sing patriotic "devotional" hymns in public. If our people can not adjust with and appreciate each other, it is their bloody fault. What if a Muslim (like Jinnah) likes his pork with the sunny side up or a Hindu (like you) likes his beef - why do you want to deprive them of what should be fundamentally their decision, just because someone can not stand a hideless animal hanging outside a slaughter house!
This is not a solution to our communal problem, in fact it doesnt even come close to qualify as one. It is not even about Nationalism and Patriotism. It is a question of sheer respect, love and adjustment. Which should ideally come naturally, but to us it doesnt. If a faithful Muslim doesnt respect our national song it doesnt automatically grant us the right to disrespect his religious principles. Of course, with so many ideals that we have in us, every action may directly or indirectly lead to clash of ideologies for all of us.
My aim is very linear... education, at all costs. pour so much money into education that people are lured to it. make education transform itself from necessity to leisure. i am not talking about opening public schools and teaching A-B-C
how many hindu children know about the Holy Quran? I am sure most muslim youngsters of our age know all about the Ramayana and Mahabharata - thanks to TV serials those days. It didnt teach them religion - it taught them human morals and values. I remember Muslim children who could sing 'Yada yada hi dharmasya....' by heart then, and now deter from singing 'Vande Mataram'. Why? hey, you got the answer....

a big yawn said...

honestly i posted this as a light hearted discussion.. a fun post in way .. never thought it will raise so may eye brows

PanthBharti said...

Halal is sham/sin/jihad
visit www.jhatka.org
for further information can contact in person Ravi.