Monday, August 06, 2007

The misunderstood Nazi.Part.I

I am a Nazi, sounds intimidating right.. well that’s the dogma behind the term that has almost created it as Taboo in a form..
Well though its an off shoot of fascism... Nazism and fascism are not one and the same.
Fascism originated from the word Fasces meaning a bundle of sticks tied to an axe , which was a symbol of power in ancient Rome.. it was common to Nazism in respect that both were dictatorial Governments in the same era, and the countries formed an entente..

Nazi: National Socialistic party , based on Nitschean Theory of Super man. Also known in political theory as the N.Theory of super man.. Where every Nation had leader who was the superman who was followed by all the classes.. This theory was backed by Hegelian theory of Class.

Well what is the basic Doctrine behind Nazism
It’s a dictatorial Government ruling a One Nation State.. Where the concept of State is very important, and the state is supreme.

According to Nazism the Society exists because the State and not State because of society.

Coming back to the first part of the doctrine ‘One nation State’.. this meant that in lay mans term the country(state) will consist of one race(nation).

Hence from the basic doctrine two things become clear

a) Nazism is racist
b) Nazism is patriotic
Both are quite inter related, if The Nation and State are the same…

In the next part, we will see the implications of the above bringing in Hitler in the equation.

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