Friday, April 20, 2007

Alcoholic concepts.. and Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde

When ever a solution was asked to me in my college days, the simple solution was alcohol, or the lack of it. You have a cold., have rum or brandy.. stomach ache beer.. feeling hot beer again.. heart ache whiskey.. A pensive mood always suggested a chronic alcohol deficiency , or the medical terminology by Dr Abhigyan was definite symptoms of alcohol deficiency and a trip to Apache is recommended. It could be for kicking ass in an exam or after having your ass kicked in an exam.. the answer was always the same to me..I have won debates.. after getting drunk on stage.. or mastering the courage to sing a medly on stage and getting accolades for the same .. was again alcohol. First time ever when i topped a paper in college was after having hmmmmmmmm ( i lost count after 8) bottles of beer.(82 Micro economics) and second time post graduation after doing a tequila chaser in Environmental Economics. This was termed as Abhigyan's Alcoholic concepts .. over college and PG... But then every thing changed ....Alcohol started having me , the transformation was of that of DJ and MD... i could not remember any thing what happened the night before.. and the frequency increased.. i realised.. i am getting there.. to the road that leads to alcoholism.. as Dr J always knew What Mr D can do.. but still changed to MR D.. so did I... and what was scary.. i liked it.. a life with out inhibitions.. giving the window to my dqarker side And worse was if i remained drunk on the streets of Pune or Delhi.. no body with bother.. if i live or die. Mu first step was leave my credit cards back home while going to office.. and switch my cell phone off.. while drinking if ever.. the frequency of alcohol intake considerably reduced by the end of delhi.. But one day after few months Mr Hide re appeared..and why it re appeared i ma not sure... but it did.. but this time Dr J is ready.. to fight him.. Its not the alcohol thats ever been the problem.. it excess of it...its the urge to have more...even after few drinks... thats Mr Hyde here.. Well i wont turn into a dipsomaniac.. i know what is to be done and will do that

1 comment:

iHatEtiTo said...

well, as long as you know what is to be done, you are safe. but there are two things to it:
1> knowing it and doing it are not the same
2> dr. jekyll knew the potion he had made was as a result of an accident, owing to some impurities in the sample. the chemist could not recreate the impurity. make sure there are no impurities in your pint of beer