Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Socialism and parts thereof part I

Well in todays world Socialism has almost become synonymous to Communism...
but are they actually same? the answer is one is an ideology another a doctrine

When Robert Owen first propagated his concept of social equality .. That was the beginning of what we call the modern socialism...

Just a food for thought at the beginning : The Communist Russia under Stalin and Nazist Germany were both build under the key stone of socialism but it meant differently to both the countries...
for The Nazis (National Socialist Party) the Society existed because the state did .. And the state was supreme in Russia it was just opposite.

Socialism what was propagated by Owen was based on the concept of so called egalitarian society .. Derived from the word egalite . French for equal...
he spoke of a society where every body was equal...
this was the basic doctrine of Socialism... How this society could have been achieved he really did not answer that question much. His philosophy was more with evolution.

Marx took it up from here..And there it was Theory of surplus value , supremacy of the common man or proletariat...He did speak of a state with socialistic state but never spoke of revolution.....This was what we call Marxism.. Its a doctrine when socialism was the basic ideology.

Vladimir Illynych Illonov better known as Lenin...Took up Marxian philosophy...He spoke of a socialistic government .. To be achieved through bloody revolution and that's what in modern days we call Communism....Leninist
the big difference communism and communism Maoist /Leninist is a simple but a strong word bloody..." the source of power is from a muzzle of a gun" : Mao Tse Tung

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