Sunday, March 05, 2006

lazy sunday afternoon post

the music playing behind is live for ever by oasis,.. drinkin coffee at 1:oo clock afternoon . had a late night.

the biggest problem that people usualy face on a sunday.. is the afternoon..(As we hardly see the sunday morning)

we hope against hope that it could be a bit more longer.
we have been anticpating the week end for 5 days and suddenly its over..

On sunday afternoons you are half a mind thiking of what work do you have to finsh tomorrow,
in what kind of mood your Hari Sadu will be.

And the other half our mind is thinking about the things you need to finish at home.. such as iron your shirt, do the dishes, have a shave and sehr wichtige.. very important when to finish the half a bottle of whiskey thats left from yesterday.

We always shirk our chores on a saturday thinking the whole of sunday is left...
but at times we think sunday is only for 12 hrs...and even when you have a hell lot to do you are herewriting your blog which no ones gonna ever read.

any way aufweider sein

1 comment:

iHatEtiTo said...

i see you insist on spelling whisky with an -ey. thats not really very english you see.

anyway, that makes the two of us looking at sundays in the same light. writing my comments this monday morning, i must confess i ironed my shirt this morning, after having postponed the activity since friday, after having told myself "there is always the whole of sunday left"