Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Scariest Tought

A heap of Gun Powder...... Thats the thing thats common between Europe 1914, and Middle East of today.

Think about it, it needs just a trigger to blow things out of proportion.
Today if Lebenon refuses to follow the UN mandate, Isreal will take Action, which will make Syria support Lebonon along with Iran.( Remember Hezabollah is backed by Iran)And USA which is waiting to pounce on Iran will make most of it .

What makes me think it is possible is, Isreal keeps its national security at the top priority ...unlike many countries. Isreal is surrounded by Islamic states on all sides and the only survival technique that Isreal has taken till date is.. fight back... They went to Uganda under EDI AMIN to rescue their passengers we couldnot even go to Afghanistan

With Isreal fighting against Syria , Hezabollah, Iran... how long will Palestine wait to make hay when the Sun shines

So it begins Global war on Islamic Fundamentalism.... May be the begining of the end the Third world war

What scares the shit out of me is what will be India's stance
Remember India is home to... I repeat home to worlds largest Muslim population, which is relatively less fanatic to a high extent.

Can India mantain the so called NAM any longer.

Now hypothetically i put another angle to it, lets say it is documented by USA that some Indian Islamic groups like say SIMI is giving logistic and financial support to Middle East,may be even a fraction of the community is doing so and is true. Then what

What kind of pressure will be then Applied on India.

The scary thought is, if there is a global war on Islamic Fundamentalism, then the greatest loser will be India, as Islam is an integral part of India, and which is less fanatic than Middle east.

The questions arising are, will Islam in India remain the same after a global war on fundamentalism...
Will Indian Government Succumb to US pressure,
or Will stand tall and Face The US wrath.

India will be the greatest looser if a war on Islamic Fundamentaism is fought... as Indian culture , community , nation and flag is not complete without Islam..

We will fight but with whom we dont know... but who ever we fight.. India will never be the same.


Anonymous said...

... a tightly written blog which has marshalled all the relevant facts with regard to the similarities between the Middle East of today and Europe of 1914... It explodes many myths that has been surrounding the conflicts involving the super power like U.S. and Iran for that matter, this being a very critical period. Abhigyan has not ignored the broader perspective of the international developments of this time, specially relating to the approaches and policies of the United States. Well, this blog is for both scholars and laymen who would like to understand what really is happening around us. Dealing effectively and objectively, without any polemics, with the new breed of critics who wish to place all the blame on the Islamic Fundamentalism...

Anonymous said...

Surreptitious! Scrumpulous! Attertionalistic! Popuscolur! Serendipidite!

The angles are amazing. You are a scholar my friend. And a learned one.

avimanyu said...

Well, Abhigyan this is a nicely written article. Nostradamus has said that after the thoird world war ISLAM might just be eroded with Christianity becoming half that what it is now.

Who ever wins the war and whatever happens to India's stance, USA will be richer in anyway by selling weapons. So as long as there is war, we will get those Nikes, Anti-dandruff shampoo etc.
We are a part of a consp;iracy that we dont realize. Because what we watch on TV and by which we set our minds is wht is being shown to us.