Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Existentialism and Political Theory

Existentialism and Political Science sounds a bit far fetched but honestly they are inter twined..
during intial stages of evolution of political theory through the concept of law and liberty .. it was this existentialism placed the ground work
when early Liberals where pressing against state and for Absolute liberty this how things shaped up:

the concept of liberty... what is liberty.. does the concept of absolute liberty exist... the answer is it cant as absolute liberty will trckle down to no bodies freedom.. as absolute liberty will also imply me encroaching some body elses frrdom.. so how do you take care of that..that was through law.. and law was then essentially based natural laws whats also called Aristotalian laws.. which brought abt the concept of State..as the enforcer of law

i think i tried to rest my case here
it all yours now

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